علي حمزة عبيد

Name : Ali Hamzah Obaid

Mobile : 07700224402

Email: [email protected]

Education :

  • Sc. /Computer Science  / Iraq
  • Sc. / Systems and Information / Russia

Researches :


  • Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and Digital Watermarking (INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS: Problems of Human – Computer Interactions: Ulyanovsk , Russia, 10-12 September -2015 ).


  • Tools for Conceptual-Algorithmic Prototyping in Solving Design Problems in the Development of Systems with Software ( INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS: Problems of Human– Computer Interactions : Ulyanovsk , Russia, 25-27 September -2017 ) .


  • Development of Risk Management Tools in Question-Answering Based Software Design Environment (International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing : IJCSMC, Vol. 7, Issue. 6, June 2018, pg.165 – 174 ) .


  • Tools For Conceptual-Algorithmic Prototyping of Project Solutions in Software Intensive Systems Design . (International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research : October 2018, pg. 117-122.(



  • USAGE OF PROTOTYPING IN SOFTWARE TESTING .  ( Multi-Knowledge Electronic  Comprehensive Journal For  Education     And Science Publications (MECSJ)) .  ISSUE (14), Nov  (2018) .

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